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The gut microbiome is emerging as a key player in reducing the risk of developing various types of cancer. A balanced gut microbiota contributes to a well-functioning immune system, anti-inflammatory responses, and detoxification of harmful substances, all of which are mechanisms that may help in cancer prevention. Certain gut bacteria also produce beneficial metabolites, such as short-chain fatty acids, which have anti-cancer properties. While research is still ongoing, maintaining a healthy gut microbiome through dietary and lifestyle choices like high-fiber diets, probiotics, and avoiding unnecessary antibiotics could serve as a preventive strategy in reducing cancer risk, highlighting the potential of the gut microbiome as a frontier in cancer prevention                .



Gut Microbiome

CareViva acts as a pre/probiotic by changing gut microbiome composition to improve gut environment. A significant increase in probiotics such as Lactobacillus sp. and a decrease in harmful bacteria such as alistipes sp.                  and akkermansia sp.                  in the animal consumed CareViva in the preclinical experiments.


Preclinical experiments

Preclinical experiments showed that experimental mice consumed CareViva diet resulted in significantly smaller tumour volumes than those with normal diet (This is not a human clinical trial, for reference only)



Patented Formulation Using Traditional Medicinal Plants in S.E.A.

The core ingredients (GMP Grade) are extracted from traditional medicinal plants that are used by individuals as health diet in the South East Asia region for their wellness and disease management. A PCT patent has been filed.



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