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Obesity, a global health crisis affecting over 800 million adults as of 2022, elevates the risk of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes by 20 times. A novel approach to mitigating this issue focuses on manipulating lipid metabolism by inducing lipolysis, the breakdown of stored fats                 , and reducing adipogenesis, the formation of new fat cells                 . This dual-action strategy holds promise for improving metabolic flexibility, reducing insulin resistance, and aiding in weight control. Furthermore, inducing fat browning can enhance the metabolism to reduce fat accumulation in our body                  .



Increase Lipolysis

Cells were treated with a core ingredient of AdipoCare or an FDA-approved drug, isoproterenol, as a comparison. The effectiveness of lipolysis was measured by the presence of an increased level of phosphorylated form of HSL at S660. The core ingredients of AdipoCare can effectively enhance the phosphorylated form of HSL at S660 lipolysis as compared with untreated cells and it is comparable with Isoproterenol (Preclinical in vitro experiments). 


Lowering Adipogensis

Adipogenesis cellular preclinical experiments were carried out. Cells were treated with the two core ingredients of AdipoCare or an FDA-approved drug Isoproterenol as a comparison. The core ingredients of AdipoCare can effectively prevent adipogenesis (Preclinical in vitro experiments). 



Enhancing fat browning

The browning of fat involves a metabolic shift where white adipose tissue, which primarily stores energy, converts into brown adipose tissue that dissipates energy through thermogenesis. The primary driver of this process is the activation of the uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) found in the mitochondria of brown adipose cells. Cells treated with AdipoCare Core Ingredient 2 has similar ability to induce the production of UCP1 as Isoproterenol (Preclinical in vitro experiments).



AdipoCare is developed using GMP grade traditional medicinal plants for the health management of people in the South East Asia region.


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